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Synopsis: We are currently witnessing an increase in telecommunicationsnorms and standards given the recent advances in this field. Theincreasing number of normalized standards paves the way for anincrease in the range of services available for each consumer.over, the majority of available radio frequencies have alreadybeen allocated. This explains the emergence of cognitive radio (CR)- the sharing of the spectrum between a primary user and asecondary user. In this book, we will present the state of the artof the different techniques for spectrum access using cooperationand competition to solve the problem of spectrum allocation andensure better management of radio resources in a radio cognitivecontext. The different aspects of research explored up until now onthe applications of multi-agent systems (MAS) in the field ofcognitive radio are analyzed in this book. The first chapter beginswith an insight into wire networks and mobiles, with specialfocus on the IEEE 802.22 norm, which is a norm dedicated to CR.Chapter 2 goes into detail about CR, which is a technical field atthe boundary between telecommunications and Artificial Intelligence(AI). In Chapter 3, the concept of the agent from AIis expanded to MAS and associated applications. Finally, Chapter 4establishes an overview of the use of AI techniques, in particularMAS, for its allocation of radio resources and dynamic access tothe spectrum in CR.
1. Wire and Mobile Networks.
2. Cognitive Radio.
3. Multi-agent Systems.
4. Dynamic Spectrum Access.
About the Authors
Badr Benmammar has been Associate Professor at UABT (UniversityAbou Bekr Belkaïd Tlemcen), Algeria since 2010 and was aresearch fellow at CNRS LaBRI Laboratory of the University ofBordeaux 1 until 2007. He is currently carrying out research at theLaboratory of Telecommunications of Tlemcen (LTT), UABT, Algeria.His main research activities concern the cognitive radio network,Quality of Service on mobile and wire networks, end-to-endsignaling protocols and agent technology. His work on Quality ofService has led to many publications in journals and conferenceproceedings.
Asma Amraoui is currently a PhD candidate; she is preparing adoctoral thesis on a topic of research that explores the use ofartificial intelligence techniques in cognitive radio networks. Sheis attached to the Laboratory of Telecommunications of Tlemcen(LTT) in Algeria.